Meet the GSN Team: Neal…

Neal’s GSN Fitness Journey: From Ironman to Hybrid Athlete

Neal has been working full-time at GSN for over three years, and his fitness journey is nothing short of inspiring. From leading the E-Commerce team to training for the Ironman, Neal’s GSN fitness journey is a testament to dedication and balance.

A goal of mine over the past few years has been to be physically capable of thriving in any sporting situation. With a realistic head-on and two glass knees, I think rugby would be off the cards, but combining weight training alongside training for the Ironman has got me the closest to my goal of becoming a hybrid athlete. Hybrid seems to be the trendy word for it nowadays, but it’s a pretty good summary. Not only challenging the physical aspects you come across in weight training but pushing the cardiovascular training has enabled a more all-rounder approach to being “fit.”

The only downside to training (up to three times daily) is fuelling up. Getting complex nutrition that is EASY is essential—that’s where the GSN team comes in! Luckily, I’m surrounded by passionate experts who have taken the thinking away, making a healthy lifestyle much easier.

Neal using GSN products for his fitness journey

What’s Your Favourite GSN Product?

I will have to join the masses and say the early lunch will always and forever be Katsu. I throw a side of Chicken Bites in the microwave, too, and I usually have another pot mid-afternoon.

Having had the pots for years, the Breakfast Wrap has been the most helpful recent addition. Mainly because I used to have to make breakfast the night before, but now I just take it out of the freezer and put it in the microwave for three minutes! Super easy.

Last but not least… Ready Cooked Chicken Breasts: I’ve avoided cooking chicken raw since a bad experience at university. I found my chef skills lacking! I have, however, been making an effort to follow the GSN recipes and use the Ready-Cooked Chicken so I don’t make the same mistake again.

I’m unsure about others, but my brain is usually adrift with the day’s challenges. So when it comes to eating, I’m looking at the six meals of the day and have little brain space to start planning it all out. I use MyFitnessPal to track my macros, and with over 4,000 calories needed, the full range of products is broad enough to support me throughout the day.

Morning, noon, night, and everywhere in between! Sadly, it’s becoming an office joke that I’m only ever an hour away from my next GSN meal… The challenge is getting enough calories while keeping the spark of eating alive!

During the off-season, my calories will hover around 3,550. In a training camp for the 3 months leading to a race, it can be touching 5,000!

Neal using GSN products for his fitness journey

How GSN Supports Neal’s Fitness Journey

Neal’s GSN fitness journey is fueled by GSN’s convenient and nutritious products. From Katsu Curry to Ready Cooked Chicken Breasts, GSN makes it easy to stay on track with his fitness goals.

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