Great North Run: Update One

The Great North Run.

Half Marathon

13.1 miles / 21.08 kilometers

Record times 58:56m 64:28f

60,000 entrants

1,000,000 past runners

AND in 2024… Two guys with a chest freezer on their backs.


Our yet-unnamed chest freezer started its GSN journey around 10 years ago, not quite day 1, but it has been with Craig for a while, watching the business grow, and quietly supporting GSN through the early stages.

During its time as a freezer, we estimate 120,000 chicken breasts have passed through it, that’s a lot of meal prep, many happy mouths and countless gains powered.

We hear it still has fond memories of the O.G. Roast Dinner Pot O Gold.

After initial safety checks were completed, we proceeded to de-gas the old girl, use precise measuring tools to find her centre, and then with the complete accuracy of a Turkish marksman at the Olympics, (or an 80’s Las Vegas magician), sawed her in half.

There’s a video below, watch it with the sound on!

Next up, she’s getting a facelift, safety features added and we’ll work out how to mount her to our backs.

P.s. Training is going well for Dan & Bekka, Craig and Neal need to get some miles in the legs.


Written by
The A J Bell Great North Run

8th September 2024

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