Running the Great North Run – Talking about Mental Health

We’re running the Great North Run.
We’re running for Andy’s Man Club and for Joshua Van Leader.
We’re running to open the conversation around mental health – 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem each year in England.
We’re NOT runners*. (Except Neal, Neal runs).
“In November 2022 my best friend Joshua Van Leader sadly took his own life, a mental and physical battle that became too much.” – Craig.
The weight Josh endured for years; carried on his shoulders and in his mind, is a weight we will try and demonstrate. Through carrying a freezer on our back for the full half marathon.
A freezer will be cut in half and shared between 2 runners, for the full 21km.
Together Craig and Neal will carry half a freezer each, showing that the load should be shared between friends and that friends will always have your back.
Running too are Daniel, Bekka, Steve and Reece.
We’re a mixture of family, friends and co-workers. Mental health problems have touched all of our lives in one way or another.
If you or someone you know is struggling, open the conversation.
If you’d like to and are able – you can support Andy’s Man Club through a donation on our support page, here.
“Directly, and indirectly, mental health has been a factor of my life for 30 years.
It’s just a run, but it’s 60,000 people running – pushing themselves. 60,000 platforms to share the same message.
If one person can find the support they need to ease the weight, we’ve succeeded.” – Daniel.
“The AJ Bell Great North Run is the world’s biggest and best half marathon, with 60,000 runners taking on the 13.1-mile route from Newcastle to South Shields each year. It’s famous for its inclusive atmosphere, unbeatable on-route entertainment, and warm Geordie welcome, not to mention the millions raised each year for worthy causes. From the rush of thousands of cheering spectators to the oggy-oggy-oggy chants, Great North Run magic can be hard to understand – until you’ve experienced it for yourself”.
We’re firm believers that exercise and nutrition form an integral part of beating stress and improving mental health, you can read more on that below.